1924 Cedar (at Bonita)
Berkeley, California

A film by Chris Pratt about the deceits and sorrows of our empire starting with 9/11 to Wall Street greed through Bush and Obama. This film sheds light on our power elite and hopefully what we can do about it. He also looks deeply at world government, and New World Order plans to shut down the last venue of free speech that remains: the Internet. Pratt shows how BP’s control of the US government over the Gulf of Mexico oil spill catastrophe supports his theme that a shadow government of the world’s wealthiest are bent on further concentration of wealth, regardless of cost to the environment or human lives. The swine flu hoax, ObamaCare and fraudulent elections get a mention, but the focus is predominantly on mind control via mass media.

Sponsored by the BFUU Social Justice Ctee as part of our Conscientious Projector Series
Refreshments provided. Suggested Donation: $5-10. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Wheelchair accessible.


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Added by benburch666 on June 19, 2011

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