1924 Cedar (at Bonita)
Berkeley, California

Today scientists believe that we are entering the 6th Mass Extinction. But unlike the previous five, this one will not take centuries to unfold. In fact, it will take place in our lifetimes. As scientists begin to realize the severity of the crisis and new worldwide assessments are made, the news is difficult to believe. At least half of all plant and animal species are likely to disapear in the wild within the next 30 – 40 years, including many of the most familiar and beloved large mammals: elephants, polar bears, chimpanzees, gorillas and the great apes, all the big cats, and many, many others. Call of Life examines the collective and individual responses that will be needed to mitigate the impacts of the mass extinction and makes clear the critical choices we have before us. Unique among all human generations, those of us alive today have been given a great opportunity: one last chance to preserve the vitality and magnificence of the living planet that brought us into being, and is our only home.


Sponsored by the BFUU Social Justice Ctee as part of our Conscientious Projector Series for the 99%
Suggested donation $5-$10. No one turned away.
Wheelchair accessible.


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Added by benburch666 on June 15, 2012

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