"Ancestors in the Americas, Pt. 1: Coolies Sailors, Settlers Voyage to the New World" is the untold story of how Asians-Filipinos, Chinese, Asian Indians-first arrived in the Americas. Crossing centuries and oceans, from the 16th century Manila-Acapulco trade-to the Opium Wars-to 19th century plantation coolie labor in South America and the Caribbean. Your world historical perspective will change watching this beautiful narrative film by the late UC Sociology Professor and filmmaker Loni Ding, who inspired a new generation of creative activists. This is the first of a critically acclaimed PBS series seen by millions of people. The SJC has the permission of Loni's husband local labor activist and musician Dave Welsh to show the second part "Ancestors in the Americas: Chinese in the Frontier West: An American Story" Keep in touch with the Social Justice Committee on www.bfuu.org or call Cynthia at 510-658-2188 as we would like to show in July or August.
Sponsored by the BFUU Social Justice Ctee as part of our Conscientious Projector Series
Donations welcomed. No one turned away.
Wheelchair accessible.
Ph: 510-841-4824
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Added by benburch666 on May 24, 2011