13 Norfolk PLace
London, England W2 1 QJ

Followed by Q&A with directors/producers Janus Billeskov Jansen and Signe Byrge Srensen

A year ago Denmark erupted in heated debate after 12 newspaper cartoons of the prophet Mohammed were published by a Danish newspaper. In the Muslim world there were violent protests. Elsewhere supporters claimed that nothing less than the freedom of democratic expression was at stake.

Letters from Denmark tells the stories of 10 Danes with roots in the Middle East and is produced in cooperation with 10 of Denmark's leading directors.
The stories address questions of identity, ethnicity and examine the faultlines that run through multicultural societies.
Meet the filmmakers who thought up and produced Letters from Denmark: Janus Billeskov Jansen and Signe Byrge Srensen of Final Cut Film Productions.
Booking essential. Please RSVP to events@frontlineclub.com

Official Website: http://www.frontlineclub.com

Added by Frontlineevents on March 2, 2007

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