Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Gene Fenton is recruiting Scream Queens to pose in promotional photographs with his sculptures of dinosaurs and other monsters.

Who - or what - is a "Scream Queen"? [No, nothing to do with "adult entertainment" or Hugh Hefner and his less tasteful imitators!]

Originally, a Scream Queen was the beautiful but seemingly helpless female lead in the B-grade horror and sci-fi movies of the 1950s. Menaced by monsters and mad scientists, they would usually (but not always) require rescue by the dashing male lead.

The most elegant (but often strong-willed and heroic) of Scream Queens is actress Allison Hayes who starred in The Unearthly (1957) and Attack Of The 50-Foot Woman (1958).

If you're interested in posing as a Scream Queen, contact him at gfenton@mail.microserve.net or call (724) 463-0648.

You can see slide shows of his promotional photos at www.genefenton.com

[Photographs courtesy of Gene Fenton Copyright Š 2000]

Recommended links:

Be a Scream Queen



The Ten Most Seductive 1950s Scream Queens (from the Astounding B Monster website)

"Scream Queen Allison Hayes" by JackRandall Earles

from Hexylvania: Pennsylvania's Halloween & Horror Almanac

Added by notnef on December 11, 2005

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