332 West 43rd St
New York City, New York

Organization: Royal Scottish Country Dance Society NY Branch
Event: Scottish Country Dance classes and dancing
Info: info@rscdsnewyork.org or 212-849-8282
Learn traditional dances done in 18th century Scottish assembly rooms and new dances done in 21st century ballrooms around the world. No partner, no experience, no kilt necessary.
FEES - 2006 – 2007
Membership (RSCDS+NY BRANCH) $25.00
Single class $8.00
Ten/eleven week series - Member $64.00, Nonmember $70.00
Fourth series - Member $45.00, Nonmember $50.00
Full-time students - 1/2 price
Introductory class - FREE

Official Website: http://www.rscdsnewyork.org

Added by rscdsnewyork.org on September 8, 2006

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