1112 4th Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98101

World-famous novelist Scott Turow knows how to write a smart, in-depth, page-turning, nail-biting, on-the-edge-of-your-seat legal thriller ā€“ and he does it again in his latest novel, LIMITATIONS. Originally commissioned and published by The New York Times Magazine in sixteen installments, this expanded version of LIMITATIONS is classic Turow ā€“ examining not only the limitations of the law, but of human understanding.

Join us for a book release party, reading, and book signing with Scott Turow at W Seattle on Wednesday, November 15, 2006 at 6pm. The cost is $15/person and includes hors dā€™ oeuvres created by Earth & Ocean and a no host bar. Copies of LIMITATIONS will be available for purchase and signing. Reservations are recommended and can be made by calling Kim Ricketts/Book Events at (206) 632-2419 or by emailing info@kimricketts.com.

Scott Turow is the world-famous author of six bestselling novels about the law, from PRESUMED INNOCENT (1987) to ORDINARY HEROES (2002), and of the nonfiction works ONE L (1988) and ULTIMATE PUNISHMENT (2003), all published by FSG. He lives with his family outside Chicago, where he is a partner in the firm of Sonnenschein Nath and Rosenthal.

Tickets are available at the door but please RSVP to info@kimricketts.com.

Official Website: http://www.kimricketts.com/public.html

Added by bookevents on November 9, 2006

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