124 College Place
Ypsilanti, Michigan

> Lecture: Scott McCloud, cartoonist and author. 7 p.m., McKenny Union
> Ballroom. Best known as the author of Understanding Comics and
> Reinventing Comics, groundbreaking books that provide insight into the
> language and potential of an art form often viewed as inconsequential,
> McCloud is a cartoonist, theoretician and visionary. He was one of the
> first to use computer technology to make and distribute his comics and
> was the originator of the 24-hour comic book. This year's McAndless
> Distinguished Professor in the Humanities, McCloud will discuss the
> symbiotic relationship of image and text in comics as well as what
> makes the medium a unique form of communication in its own right.
> Contact Larry Newhouse at 734.487.1268 or by e-mail at
> larry.newhouse@emich.edu or Campus Life at 734.487.3045 for more
> information.

Added by emv on March 13, 2006