2080 Van Ness Ave
San Francisco, California 94106

20 DJs and Live Rock Band at the
Haights Club (2080 Van Ness Ave) and after party at 1015 Folsom (must say "magic music" to door-man at 1015 for discounted admission)

Guest list closes at 9.30 at The Heights but after that is only $10 all night for all RSVPs

The band will play from 10.45 - 11.30 and DJ's will start from 9pm.

This will be an amazing party, -- last year was definitely rated as one of the best in November, so i am looking forward to see you there.
Get there early to avoid the line !

Official Website: http://tallsasha.com/

Added by phclouin on November 8, 2008

Interested 2