What is a healthy lifestyle in today's toxic environment?
Do you enjoy learning about new approaches?
Do you want to be more productive and energetic?
Would you like to maximize your potential for longevity?
Dr. T will be speaking on many scientific ways to improve our health. He has been practicing Functional and Nutritional Medicine for 20 years, with a focus on environmental and dietary influences on health. He integrates holistic thinking with innovative science-based lab tests to uncover deficiencies, toxicities, and metabolic problems that lead to diseases and premature aging.
This comprehensive approach is not limited to the treatment of symptoms - it helps address many of the causes of chronic medical disorders, plus helps detect serious illnesses much earlier - when therapy can be more effective and less invasive.
Treating the whole person must include the followings:
1.) a clinically proven, safe, proactive detoxification of pollutants and heavy metals
2.) nutrient enrichment according to genetic, dietary, environmental, social, and historical medical factors
3.) reduction of highly toxic exposures
4.) improvement of all compromised digestive parameters
5.) balancing and inhibition of mold, bacteria, and virus overgrowrth
6.) attention to social and mental factors that increase emotional stress.
You will learn many steps on how to become stronger than disease.
About Dr. T
Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren is a renowned holistic scientist, innovator, and educator focusing on natural principles, health, nutrition, and sustainability. He is a licensed European medical doctor, a licensed, board-certified nutritionist, and board-certified in Functional Medicine, Oxidative Medicine and Disability Analysis. He is also a university professor of medical sciences, nutrition and Functional Medicine. He is the founder and co-founder of several health and charity programs worldwide.
Official Website: http://rawfood.meetup.com/245
Added by FullCalendar on April 12, 2010