Science Shaping Our World-SHOW is an ongoing seminar and networking series that highlights cutting edge translational life science research and development. Our mission is to bring together a multidisciplinary audience spanning academia and industry where they can gain exposure and insight into the life science advancements changing our world.
March's SHOW will focus on the growing trend in microbial drug resistance. Pathogenic bacteria resistant to many or all antibiotics already exist. Coupled with the rapid decline in microbiological research at pharmaceutical companies, the rapid rate at which resistance has evolved and spread has demanded a novel approach to addressing this critical human health issue.
Our guest speaker, Dr. Margaret Riley, will highlight a new paradigm in antibiotic discovery and development, one that applies ecological and evolutionary theory to design antimicrobial drugs that are more difficult and/or more costly to resist. Specifically, Dr. Riley will present strategies invented and applied by bacteria against other bacteria for the past several billion years and the adoption of these strategies in our fight against microbial drug resistance.
Dr. Riley has received the Presidential Young Investigator's Award for her pioneering research on antimicrobial compounds and has published over 100 articles and edited three books in her research area. In 2005 she co-founded Origin Antimicrobials, LLC, involved in the design of novel antimicrobials and in 2009, she co-founded the Institute for Drug Resistance, to facilitate novel, multidisciplinary approaches to the challenges of drug resistance.
Please join us for an amazing evening of science, innovation, and networking. Event registration is free and required. Light food and refreshments will be provided during the networking portion of the evening.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on March 5, 2012