30 E. Broadway
Eugene, Oregon

Join us at 7:00pm on Thursday, August 9, for:

The Invader in My Backyard: Invasive Species in Oregon
with Professor Sam Chan, Aquatic Invasive species specialist with Sea Grant Extension at Oregon State University http://gazettetimes.com/articles/2007/06/07/news/community/4aaa02_china.txt

Invasive species are not just your neighbor's problem. Oregon's natural communities and the urban, suburban, rural communities we reside in are increasingly threatened by invasive species, a silent form of biological pollution that often goes undetected until it is too late to treat. Once established, invasive species spread relentlessly, and they perpetuate themselves until they reach the limits of their biological potential. In the process they degrade natural habitats, displace desired species and are even linked to health epidemics. Controlling invasive species and the problems they cause cost Oregonians tens of millions of dollars annually and over a billion dollars in the United States.

The pace of national and global trade and travel has created pathways for species to move rapidly across great distances. Several activities, including outdoor recreation, exotic pet ownership, and the demand for fresh and different foods contribute to the rapid rise in the number of exotic species that arrive in Oregon. Most introductions are accidental or are initially thought to be beneficial. Only a small fraction of these introductions become established and cause problems. However, the rate of new introductions has risen so dramatically that Oregon is losing ground in the fight to keep out invasive species.

When: Thursday, August 9
Presentation begins at 7:00pm and will last around 1.5 to 2 hours. Come early if you want to order food and drinks!

Where: Luna, 30 E. Broadway, Eugene http://www.lunajazz.com/

Just what is the Science Pub anyway?
The Science Pub http://www.omsi.edu/sciencepub is a monthly event where you can find out about advances in science and technology from leading researchers and scientists, all while enjoying food and beverages. Don't expect a remote speaker behind a distant podium. Instead, experience the informal atmosphere where you can interact with the expert and where there are no silly questions. No scientific background is required; just bring your curiosity, sense of humor, and appetite for food, drinks, and knowledge!

The Science Pub is open to anyone and everyone, no RSVP is necessary. Please feel free to pass this on to your friends and colleagues, and we hope to see you there!

The Science Pub is held every second Thursday of the month at Luna in downtown Eugene http://www.lunajazz.com/, and is co-sponsored by OMSI http://www.omsi.edu, the University of Oregon, College of Arts and Sciences http://cas.uoregon.edu/ and the Science Factory http://www.sciencefactory.org/.

Questions? Contact mailto:sciencepub@omsi.edu or call 503-797-4517.

Official Website: http://www.omsi.edu/sciencepub

Added by Science Pub on August 1, 2007

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