199 W 8th
Eugene, Oregon 97401

Join us on Thursday, May 14 for:

Sex, Relationships, and Technology
with L. Kris Gowen, Ph.D.
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Cozmic Pizza http://www.cozmicpizza.com/ 199 W 8th Ave, (inside The Strand at 8th and Charnelton)
Come early if you want to order food and drinks and get a seat!

The Internet has changed the way we communicate, do business, and access information. But how has it affected our sexuality and sexual relationships? Can a person truly fall in love with someone online? How has “sex-tech” altered our view of intimacy? Learn more about how the Internet is rewriting the rules of romance and some of the fundamental principles of psychology as well.

L. Kris Gowen, Ph.D., has been a sexuality educator for over ten years and is a section leader for the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT). As part of her role as faculty and research associate at Portland State University, she has been teaching Human Sexuality and other sexual health courses since 2002. Her research interests include how the Internet impacts adolescent sexuality. Visit her blog http://healthysexedu.blogspot.com/

Science Pub is open to anyone and everyone; no RSVP is necessary. Tell your friends. We hope to see you there!

Science Pub is held every second Thursday at Cozmic Pizza and is co-sponsored by OMSI http://www.omsi.edu, University of Oregon’s College of Arts & Sciences http://cas.uoregon.edu, and The Science Factory http://www.sciencefactory.org.

Questions? E-mail sciencepub@omsi.edu or call 503.797.4517. Visit http://www.omsi.edu/sciencepubeugene for a description of upcoming topics.

Added by ajaytea on May 1, 2009

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