30 E. Broadway
Eugene, Oregon

Join us at 7:00pm on Thursday, September 13 for:

Particles, Energy, and Our Mysterious Universe
with Jim Brau, PhD, Knight Professor of Natural Science, University of Oregon Physics Department and Center for High Energy Physics

What is the Universe made of? If you answered atoms you are about 4 percent correct. Most of the Universe is Dark Matter and Dark Energy. You can't taste it, smell it, feel it, or see it. But it is everywhere. Yes, even in the Science Pub.

Our exploration of the Universe at the largest and smallest scales has revealed mysterious connections which must be understood to explain both extremes. This evening we will discuss these extremes, our understanding of the micro-world of particle physics, the role of large particle colliders, and connections to our understanding of the cosmology of our mysterious universe. We will discuss Dark Matter and Dark Energy at a level accessible to the general audience.

Dr. Jim Brau is Knight Professor of Natural Science, University of Oregon; Director, UO Center for High Energy Physics; and Co-chair World-wide Study for Future Linear electron-positron Colliders. He has conducted particle physics research and collaborated with scientists at numerous large accelerator laboratories worldwide, including Stanford, Fermilab, Oak Ridge, CERN in Switzerland, DESY in Germany, KEK in Japan, and BES in China. He is a northwest native, received his Ph.D from MIT, and has been faculty at the University of Oregon since 1988.

When: Thursday, September 13
Presentation begins at 7:00pm and will last around 1.5 to 2 hours. Come early if you want to order food and drinks!

Where: Luna, 30 E. Broadway, Eugene http://www.lunajazz.com/

The OMSI Science Pub is open to anyone and everyone, no RSVP is necessary. Please feel free to pass this on to your friends and colleagues, and we hope to see you there!

For a list and description of upcoming OMSI Science Pubs, please visit: http://www.omsi.edu/sciencepub

Questions? Contact 503-797-4517 or email mailto:sciencepub@omsi.edu

The Science Pub is held every second Thursday of the month at Luna in downtown Eugene http://www.lunajazz.com/, and is co-sponsored by OMSI http://www.omsi.edu, the University of Oregon, College of Arts and Sciences http://cas.uoregon.edu/ and the Science Factory http://www.sciencefactory.org/.

Official Website: http://www.omsi.edu/sciencepub

Added by Science Pub on August 1, 2007

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