Come see one of the most unique shows Chicago has to offer.
My band, Nuclear Biologist Rocket Surgeons plays science/education-themed, with visual (Powerpoint) presentations accompanying each song. We aim to make interesting, genre-jumping, avant garde, but 100% sincere music. Something along the lines of Naked City meets Mr. Bungle meets They Might Be Giants meets the entire sonic universe in a very chaotic battle to the death.
Headlining will be Chicago legend, Lord of the Yum Yum! For those of you who might not be familiar: "Lord of the Yum-Yum sings grind/scat vocal versions of familiar classical pieces, remixes them up with beat-boxing and live electronic loop making techniques, all powered by a wireless mic and old school ruffle IS the new rock alternative!"
No Fate will be opening the show.
Added by nbrs on November 5, 2006