Name your stressor: job, house, relationship, finances, errands, loneliness, traffic, feelings of safety, illness. Whether you are young or old, male or female, there’s a general feeling of uncertainty about the future and what it will mean for each of us and our loved ones. Staying calm and learning how to cope with both short- and long-term stressors will have positive physical and emotional benefits. The FABBS Foundation brings together two excellent speakers who together will discuss work and family stressors, how stress affects productivity and “gets under the skin” to affect health, and positive ways to cope with these stressors.
Ellen Galinsky, President and Co-Founder of the Families and Work Institute, is a leading authority on work family issues. She has published over 100 articles and 35 books and reports in this area, and has been invited to participate in White House conferences and various television programs such as Oprah and Good Morning America. Ms. Galinsky will describe stressors in family and work life, the impact on children, and how to buffer children and help them become more resilient.
Shelley Taylor, Distinguished Professor of Health Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles, has written extensively on the relationship among stress, biology, and social support. Dr. Taylor is a founder of the field of health psychology and was recently elected to the National Academy of Sciences. In this Science Café, she will describe how social relationships affect biological responses to stress, how early life events and family environment affect the long-term risk for disease, as well as skills that people can use to anticipate and minimize stress.
The FABBS Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides free educational programs for the public. Our Science Cafés provide an opportunity for the public to interact with leading researchers on timely topics. A reception will precede the event and is free to attendees.
View the complete invitation
RSVP today - space is limited!
FREE Admission
September 25, 2009
Reception: 6:30pm (light refreshments)
Lecture: 7:00pm
Knight Conference Center, 7th Floor
555 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Please use the 6th Street Freedom Forum entrance
Archives-Navy Memorial Metro Station
Sponsored by SAGE Publications
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Added by FABBS Foundation on September 4, 2009