2516 Market Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio 44113

A local nonprofit group of experts from Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Museum of Natural History are "taking science to the streets," and you are invited to attend! Designed as a lively, informal discussion on topics spanning different fields of science, the Science Cafe will hold its FREE and OPEN forums in the Great Lakes Brewing Company Beer Cellar on the second Monday of every month beginning on April 9, 2007, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Light appetizers will be available, as well as a cash bar. RSVPs are not required, however the cafe will likely maximize between 30-40 people.

The April 9 topic will be global warming with local expert Dr. Bev Saylor, Associate Professor of Geology at CWRU. Science Cafe will also feature video clips from Nova's scienceNOW series (a PBS program).

Science Cafe is sponsored by Great Lakes Brewing Company, the CWRU Chapter of Sigma Xi and WGBH Public Television in Boston. About Science Cafes: Based on the European salon model, science cafés are informal events where scientists share their work with the public in a casual setting. Cafés enjoy tremendous success around the world—the public is genuinely interested in learning about current research. Don't hesitate to take advantage of this unique opportunity that Cleveland now has to offer.

Official Website: http://www.gcbl.org/events/science-cafe-on-global-warming-04-09-2007

Added by jeffschuler on April 4, 2007




"Nouvelle Vague" is a french project initialized by Marc Collin and Olivier Libaux.

Marc Collin was a genuine "french touch" figure (with his band Ollano).he moved from movie soundtrack ("the kidnapper's theme") to club music (he recorded for Paper recordings) until becoming a creative and eclectic producer (Avril on Fcom ,Volga select on Output records)

Olivier Libaux was involved in many french pop acts all along the nineties and started working with Marc in 1998. He recently released his first solo album "L'héro?ne au bain" on french label na?ve.

"Nouvelle Vague" ( means ? New Wave ? in french, ? Bossa Nova ? in portuguese) revisits number of both Marc and Olivier's favourite tracks of the early eighties, from Joy Division to XTC.

Their idea was to forget the initial punk or new wave background of each song,keep simple fundamental chords,work with young singers who never heard the orginal versions,and make the quality of original songwriting happen in a completely different way.(bossa nova,jazz style and sixties pop)

For their debut on this compilation, here is their version of "Guns of
Brixton" performed by Camille, one of the most talented french vocalist at this time.