The Las Cruces Museum of Natural History hosts its monthly roundtable discussion, Science Café, on Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 5:30 PM. The discussion will be held at the Las Cruces Museum of Natural History in the Mesilla Valley Mall.
March’s Science Café, “Fuel Cells – Energy of the Future?” addresses the challenges and opportunities involved in this alternate way to generate useful energy. Shyam Kattel, graduate student in the NMSU Department of Physics, will lead this discussion and explain the design of fuel catalysts that he and Dr. Boris Kiefer, also of the NMSU Physics Department, are developing to overcome limitations of current fuel cells in the context of hydrogen- and bio-fuel.
Science Café is presented by Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society in cooperation with the Las Cruces Museum of Natural History. Café discussions present explanations of current research to advance a greater public understanding and use of available science. Students and all those seeking greater knowledge of current science are encouraged to be at Science Café.
The Las Cruces Museum of Natural History is located at 700 South Telshor Blvd in the Mesilla Valley Mall. For more information, call (575) 522-3120 or visit the website
If accommodation for a disability is required, please contact the museum 48 hours before the event at (575) 522-3120.
Added by lcms on March 16, 2011