This months topic is "Alternate Energy." Leading the discussion will be Clay Doyle, VP for NM Affairs and Bill Connor, Customer Service Supervisor with El Paso Electric Company. They will discuss the alternate energy programs now being pursued by our electric company, explain the practical systems now available to generate electricity and identify alternatives that will require additional research and development. Find out which forms of alternate energy are practical and being pursued for southern New Mexico right at this time. Comments and discussion from the audience is encouraged.
Science Caf is presented by Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society, in cooperation with the Las Cruces Museum of Natural History. Caf discussions present explanations of current research topics to advance greater public understanding and use of science. Students, and all those seeking greater knowledge of current science are encouraged to attend the Science Caf.
For information about this, or any other programs, contact the museum at (575) 522-3120.
Event submitted by on behalf of lcms.
Added by lcms on August 14, 2008