Berkeley Lab Friends of Science Presents
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s
Free Community Lecture Series at Berkeley Rep
JERRY TUSKAN: Genomic Advances to Improve Biomass for Biofuels
Free Event - no RSVP or Tickets Required!
Jerry Tuskan has led the international effort to characterize and analyze the genome of the first tree ever sequenced — the poplar. He is among the world's authorities on the genetic basis of tree growth and development, with emphasis on biomass accumulations, carbon allocation and cell-wall chemistry. He is, today, among the world's authorities on the deployment of woody crops for improved biomass-to-biofuels strategies, with over 75 publications in the areas of genetic and genomics of perennial plants; including 20 exclusively related to biomass and bioenergy.
Official Website:
Added by C_Dardick on February 5, 2008