Set in a world of useless products, police brutality and pre-paid dreams, the opressive society has a list of Violations so long that laughing too loudly attracts a hefty fine.
Misner Corporation has invented a new source of energy that has given it a global monopoly on all facets of human life, creating a totalitarian society ruled by Misner. Those unwilling to work for Misner's régime, live underground in a dark world of insane 'system dropouts', who only come above ground during the one hour of darkness that occurs every day, caused by a giant ball of rubbish floating between the sun and the earth.
Finnegan Wright, a lower level worker at Misner Corp., is taken on an enthralling journey when forced to live underground by one of the 'system dropouts', who convinces Finnegan that he can change the fate of the world by Killing Misner. A satire that comments on the way humans are so easily fooled into buying products they don't need, having ridiculous jobs and worshipping leaders who have no respect for the planet or anything on it. In this world it is better to live underground with the freaks!
Imagine Gilliam directing The Matrix meets 1984 by way of Max Headroom and you are near to the wonderful world of Misner and the Eraser Children.
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Added by Craig Grobler on April 30, 2009
Craig Grobler
Please note: This screening has been postponed/Cancelled check the website for further details.