It seems that most dogs listen better to German Commands than to commands given in any other language. We don't know if this is true or not -
however most Dogs involved in Police Work or the Sport of Schutzhund are being taught in German. Maybe the reason is that most "other" people
don't know what handler and dog are talking about. And that make them "special".
Like Children, most dogs can be bilingual and it does not cause any problems. However some dogs seem to be more attentive if commands are given in German - probably because they know that means business.
Participants of the Seminar will learn what the commands mean and most importantly how to pronounce them correctly.
Andrea Heibeck moved to Florida from Texas and before this from Germany 4 years ago. She is and was very involved in the Sport of Schutzhund
in Germany, Texas and now Florida. Andrea and her husband Dieter own three Dobermanns: Cougar, Beatrice and Puppy Amidala.
Monika Wilson came to Florida directly from Germany in 1990. She is one of the founding members of the German Shepherd Schutzhund Club of
SW Fl Inc. Monika and her husband Jim own three German Shepherd Dogs: Max, Ghia and Taz. All three of them are bilingual.
Official Website:
Added by monikawilson on August 26, 2009