404 S Figueroa St, Suite 418A
Los Angeles, California 90071


The Schurr '89 Reunion Committee is proud to present our
20 Year "Recession" Reunion

Has the Recession got you down? Did your house drop 40% in value? Did you get laid off? Are you bald? Have you gained 50 pounds since High School? Do young people tell you your old?
Come celebrate with friends you haven't seen in 10, 15, maybe even 20 years. We'll all have a great time drinking, eating and dancing the night away.


This will not be a formal sit-down dinner style reunion. In order to reduce the standard $100/person price most reunion companies charge, we will be employing a "reception" style reunion. A lot of appetizers will be provided throughout the night at various stations. There will be no assigned seating, allowing people to roam freely and mingle. A DJ will play throughout the night, but due to noise restrictions he may have to lower the volume after 10pm. A professional photographer will be roaming the party snaping great pictures of you with your old budies. Fun door prizes will be awarded for winning various competitions.


Unfortunately, capacity is limited to 200 people. Due to the strong responses we have already received, this party will sell out. Please get your tickets early!!!


Tickets will only be sold through this website. No at-the-door purchases will be allowed, so you must get them beforehand. We don't want to be dicks, but we will have to enforce admission throughout the night. It's not cool for the people who paid if we just allow Greg Izuo anyone to show up and crash the party.


Parking at the Bonaventure hotel is EXPENSIVE! The Bonaventure Brewing Company will validate, but if you arrive at 7pm and leave at midnight, you'll still end up paying around $30 for parking. If you stay over night you'll end up paying around $50. We are in negoations with the Bonaventure Hotel for discounted parking rates, but it's not guaranteed that we will get a discounted rate. Parking across the street from the Bonaventure hotel is $10/night, so that is probably your best bet. We'll keep you informed about the best places to park as we get more information.


The rates we are being quoted for August 15th is about $150. I believe they also have a AAA discount available. In order for us to get discounted room rates directly from the hotel, we need to reserve at least 10 rooms and pay them up front. If you are interested in getting a room, email the reunion committee and we'll get a list going. Once we have enough people, then we'll go ahead and reserve a block of rooms at a discounted price.

Organized by Schurr '89 Reunion Committee
Jaki Larsen
Irene Miranda
Mayra Macedo-Nolan
Ren Dabuet
David DeLeon
Jose Salomon

Ticket Info:  
  • Early Tickets, $46.12
  • Middle Tickets, $56.38
  • Late Tickets, $66.62

Official Website: http://schurr89-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 10, 2009

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