Dallas, Texas

Brand New Classes!
Day & Evening Classes Available Now

2009 PFM SpringProphetic Classes

Click Here: Training@propheticfaith.org

Develop Your Gift Level andYour LeadershipRole!

Day Class -12:00 noon CST Time
Evening Class - 8:00pm CST Time

Course 105:Essentials of a Prophet
Course 205:Essentials ofLeadership Thinking
Course 303: Walking in the Prophetic Anointing
Course 404: The 10 M's

Certificates are awarded upon completion.

Teleclasses: Participate from anywhere in the World
(Four Weeks) Course 105:Mar 12, 19, 26, 31(Day & Evening) 12 noon& 7pm CST Time
(Four Weeks) Course 205:Mar10, 17, 24, 31 (Day) 1:00pm CST Time
(Four Weeks) Course 303: Mar 12, 19, 26, 31(Day & Evening)1:00pm& 8pm CST Time
(Four Weeks) Course 404: Apr 9, 16, 23, 30 (Evening)8pm CST Time


COMBO SPECIAL: $60 for any 2 classes

ALL 4COURSES: SPECIAL $99 (Savings $336) ByMarch 7 , 2009

Course 105: ESSENTIALS OF A PROPHET(This course teachs youthedaily role of a prophet, your duties, skills and spiritual governmental responsibilites.)
Course 205: ESSENTIALS OF LEADERSHIP THINKING (This class is for you toSEE beyond your current situations. It teaches you howto manifestGod divine plan andto live your successful life.)
Course 303: WALKING IN THE PROPHETIC ANOINTING (This course teaches you the basics of prophetic protocol, prophetic tools and achieving an easier walk in the prophetic.)
Course 404: THE 10 M's (This course is for the mature believer who is ready to excel in ministry, maturity and Christian leadership.)
Covering - Bishop Dr. Bill Hammon www.cimn.netProphetess Miranda Mitchell is a licensed CIAN Minister.


NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW!PFM MINISTERS INTERNATIONAL NETWORKBecome a Network Minister:Are you ready to be connected to a minstry for accountability and acceptance? BENEFITS OF NETWORK -* Accountability and Acceptance* Maturity and Ministerial Growth* Special PFMIN Ministers Meeting* Discount on PFM Prophetic Classes* Individual Coaching Session* PFM Semi-Formal Christmas Fellowship Banquest
Request an application by email: info@propheticfaith.org or by phone: 214-364-6841

Covering - Bishop Dr. Bill Hammon www.cimn.netProphetess Miranda Mitchell is a licensed CIAN Minister.

Organized by Prophetic Faith Ministries
A Prophetic/Apostolic Ministry that help to live a disclipine life to live the abundant life. >>PFM Seminars & Training, a division of Prophetic Faith Ministries established and successfully operates a one-of-a-kind Prophetic Seminar that prides itself of flowing under dynamic anointing and the development of prophetic gifts.>>www.propheticfaith.org

Ticket Info:  
  • Tuition "Deposit", $10.00
  • Textbook, $18.00
  • '09 Prophetic Classes (Spring), $40.00
  • COMBO CLASSES, $60.00
  • PFM Ministers Network, $30.00
  • SPECIAL! Entire Spring '09 Courses, $99.00

Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/28213387/upcoming

Added by eventbrite-events on March 5, 2009

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