Stewart Brand, president of the Long Now Foundation and managing director of Global Business Network, presents some radical, counterintuitive observations that shatter a number of environmental myths, and lays out a strategy for producing a more sustainable society.
In his new book, Whole Earth Discipline: An Ecopragmatic Manifesto, Brand argues that, "The long-evolved green agenda is suddenly outdated - too negative, too tradition-bound, too specialised, too politically one-sided for the scale of the climate problem. Environmentalists risk being marginalised more than ever, with many of their deep goals and well-honed strategies irrelevant to the new task. Accustomed to saving natural systems from civilisation, Greens now have the unfamiliar task of saving civilisation from a natural system - climate dynamics."
Brand will be in conversation with Alexander Rose, executive director of the Long Now Foundation and a nominating judge at the Webbys.
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Added by balabanovic on January 10, 2010