07/23/2007 at 12:00 pm
Downtown Charleston Best Western Hotel
250 Spring Street
Charleston South Carolina, 29403
United States
Email Contact:
Supporters/Volunteers needed in Charleston SC on Monday July 23rd for the CNN/Youtube Presidential Debate. We will need Volunteers all day starting at 12 Noon to help get Dennis as much exposer as possible. All Dennis Kucinich Supporters and Volunteers are requested to meet at the:
Downtown Charleston Best Western Hotel
250 Spring Street
Charleston SC 29403-5102
Website: http://www.charlestonbestwestern.com
Tel #: 888-377-2121
Map: http://www.google.com/maps?q=250+Spring+St,+Charleston,+SC+29403,+USA&ie=UTF8&om=1&am p;z=16&iwloc=addr
The campaign has rented the restaurant inside the hotel from 12 Noon on Monday until 12 Midnight. We will be using the space to distribute campaign materials, organize volunteers, conduct media interviews, Watch the Debate, and hold an after Debate Gathering. Come watch the Debate with other Dennis Kucinich Supporters on the Restaurant's large Flat Screen TV. Dennis should be showing up sometime after the debate to meet everyone.
For further Details please contact:
Larry Carter Center at:
Cell Phone: 843-926-1750 Anytime
Home Phone: 843-763-7304
Official Website: http://action.dennis4president.com/event/view/id_5/
Added by kathielegg on July 29, 2007