Do you want to buy a home in the San Jose/Bay Area but need help with the down payment? We at can help.
The current market offers unique challenges to home buyers. One company is offering a class to help you in one of the most important financial decisions you can make.
Class topics include:
* Today's unique challenges are your opportunities as a home buyer
* Tools to overcome obstacles to buying a home in today's market
* How a shared appreciation relationship can benefit a home buyer
* How a home owner can qualify for a company down payment assistance program
Upcoming Classes:
July 28, Tuesday, 7PM-8:30PM
August 15, Saturday, 10AM-11:30AM
Home buyers interested in learning more can go to their website to sign up for one of their upcoming classes. Early sign up is recommended.
Quieres comprar una casa? Podemos explicar a ustedes en espanol. Estamos aqui a la orden.
No charge.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on July 20, 2009