750 W. Evelyn Ave. (at Castro St.)
Mountain View, California 94041

Savvy Cellar: Wine and Cheese Pairing Class
Like milk and cookies or pizza and beer, this dynamic duo is an undeniable classic. This class provides an in-depth explanation of how these fermented friends found their way into sophisticated cocktail parties and picnic baskets the world over. Taste several wines with an assortment of artisanal cheeses while exploring the 'culture behind the culture'; learn the history and traditions behind production methods, regional specialties, and the science behind pairing styles of wines to specific cheeses, as well as how to create the perfect wine and cheese tasting party at home.

Date: Monday, Dec. 1st, 7-9:30pm

Fee: $59 (includes the instruction, materials and wine of course!

Registration: www.savvycellar.com (click the classes link and then the online@savvycellar link under the specific class name)

Sequoia Adult School http://www.adultedreg.com/sequoia/index.cfm?processtype=departmentdeptid=1001
Food and Wine Division

Redwood City Parks and Rec

Wine Education Classes @ Savvy Cellar:
Fun, informative, interactive and with lots of tasting!
Taught by Sommeliers, Wine Makers and Certified Wine Educators.
Savvy wine club members enjoy two-for-one pricing.
Must be 21 to attend classes.
Pre-registration required for all classes - bring confirmation to class.
Registration fees are non-refundable.

Savvy Cellar
2048 Broadway Street
Redwood City, CA 94063

Official Website: http://www.savvycellar.com

Added by ldeanovic on November 8, 2008