Savvy Auntie’s Day is a time to thank, honor and celebrate the aunt in a child’s life, whether she is an Auntie by Relation (ABR), Auntie by Choice (ABC) or godmother, for all the love, emotional support and of course fabulous gifts she offers the children in her life. Melanie Notkin, Founder and CEO of has dubbed this powerful and influential segment of American women PANKs, Professional Aunts No Kids. Until now, there was no nationally recognized day devoted only to the PANKs.
On Savvy Auntie’s Day – like a Mother’s Day for aunts - aunts and godmothers will be celebrated with activities and gifts. The official Savvy Auntie’s Day web destination ( features ideas on how parents can celebrate their child’s auntie and how aunts can pamper and treat themselves.
The symbol of Savvy Auntie’s Day is the flower, inspired by Notkin, who often wears a brightly colored flower, to the delight of the children in her life. Give a flower to your Savvy Auntie this Savvy Auntie’s Day, and Aunties, wear a flower to show your pride for being a Savvy Auntie on July 26th!
*Savvy Auntie's Day can be celebrated anywhere! Not only in Central Park, but any beautiful setting across the country!
Added by becky_steinberg on July 7, 2009