Every Thanksgiving across the United States, the local Turkey Trot race is an annual running tradition. Like these venerable races, we want to get people out and exercising and giving thanks for life. Giving thanks for life, we believe, is also having compassion for all living beings. So we say, "Save a Turkey!" Get out and run or walk with us this Thanksgiving Day as we spread the message of hope and compassion.
Do I Really Get to Save a Turkey?
You could. Winners in every age group will have a turkey adopted in their name by the Farm Sanctuary Adopt-A-Turkey program.
8:00am Registration Opens
9:30 5K runners start; walkers start immediately after
10:30 awards presentation at Analy Track
To Register
$25 for preregistration ($30 on day of event); $15 for 18 and under (no late fee); Kids 12 and under race or walk for free! Online registration coming soon. Online registration will close on Monday, 11/23 at midnight. Register by mail: Send check or money order to OrganicAthlete, PO Box 33, Graton, CA 95444
Official Website: http://www.saveaturkeytrot.org
Added by FullCalendar on August 31, 2009