160 Convent Avenue (138th Street)
New York, New York 10031


**Come be a part of a life changing event. Find out the facts, hear inspiring stories, play games, win prizes. Food and refreshments will be served!**

NEW YORK, 5, 2010--- One and One Communications and The New York Organ Donor Network will host an event on the City College campus to educate and spread awareness on the issue of organ and tissue donation. The Safe A Life Event invites all City College students, faculty, and community members to learn the many ways organ and tissue donation can save and enhance the lives of up to 58 people. . NYODN is experiencing a dire need for organ donors for the New York State Donate Life Registry. New York’s growing number of individuals on the organ waiting list is disproportionate to the number of registered donors in the state. NYODN and One and One Communications strives to solve the problem of organ donor shortage in New York by communicating the importance of registration to the New York State Donate Life Registry.

WHERE: The NAC Vestibule (outside of NAC 0/201), in the NAC Building on 138th Street and Convent Avenue, New York City.
ADDITIONAL ACCESS TO THE EVENT: The Safe A Life Event will be broadcasted live via SAME-TV (the City College television station).

**Come be a part of a life changing event. Find out the facts, hear inspiring stories, play games, win prizes. Food and refreshments will be served!**


One and One Communications is a New York based Public Relations and Advertising firm. It is one of The City College of New York’s (CCNY) premier Ad/PR firms, and consists of twelve Media Communications undergrad students. CCNY’s One and One Communications is known for its passion and dedication to each client they incur.

Added by OneandOneComm on May 2, 2010

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