11648 McCulloch Road
Orlando, Florida 32817

Inspire your child's love of learning in only five lessons. In a Kindermusik summer camp, blow music bubbles. Play parachute and kite games. Sing. All these summer camp activities are designed to nurture your children’s natural curiosity, one that eventually draws them toward learning new words, new numbers, and new big ideas.

In Creatures at the Ocean, sing sailor songs and make the ocean count. "Five little seashells lying on the shore: Swish! Went the waves and then there were four."

Listening is a learned skill, one that develops when you draw attention to sound. "What was that? Did you hear that?" Immersing your child in the sound, while making the sound and the movement, internalizes the listening and the learning, and improves his ability to learn new things.


Week 1 Ahoy There

Week 2 On My Beach Blanket

Week 3 Coastal Waters

Week 4 Riding the Waves

Week 5 In the Deep Blue Sea

At Home Materials include: Five full-color picture folders, each depicting a different theme, Story Cards, Home CD, and a pair of Seashell Castanets. A sibling set is available for more than 1 child.

To register contact us at info@growandsing.com, visit our website at http://www.growandsing.com, or call 407-970-2774. "Connecting Families Through the Magic of Music"

Official Website: http://www.growandsing.com

Added by growandsing on May 8, 2008

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