Room BE 158 Washtenaw Community College
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108

Sahaja Yoga is a meditation technique developed by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi that involves the awakening of a subtle spiritual energy known as the Kundalini which lies dormant in the sacrum bone at the base of the spine in three and a half coils. The word sacrum is derived from the word sacred, which suggests that this is not new knowledge. Sahaja means born with you or spontaneous and Yoga means union with the divine. The gentle awakening of this Kundalini energy and the inner journey of Self-discovery is known as Self-realisation or Yoga.

Those who have received Realisation are known as realised souls or dweejaha in Sanskrit, meaning the twice born. The awakened Kundalini rises up the spinal column until it reaches the limbic region of the brain from where it flows gently through the top of the head at the fontanelle bone. Even more remarkably, once awakened, the Kundalini can be felt coming out of the fontanelle bone as a cool breeze or cool vibrations (chaitanya). These cool vibrations can also be felt on the fingertips and on the palms of the hands. It is very important, at this point, to understand that we actually feel these sensations on our central nervous system. It is for this reason, that Sahaja Yoga cannot be referred to as a blind belief. On the contrary, it is an experience and a scientifically provable phenomenon. In the same way that all human beings can feel the heat of the suns rays upon their skin, all human beings can feel the cool vibrations and can experience Sahaja Yoga in the same way, if they approach it with an open mind.

Event submitted by on behalf of ruthvickd.

Added by ruthvickd on August 8, 2007

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