On Saturday Dec 12, INCOGNITO SPECIAL EVENTS proudly presents the 1st LA Appearance of the DJ who has been sweeping the world, Sweden's IDA ENGBERG (Pickadoll, Ovum, Get Physical).
She is considered Ovum's, Get Physical's & Pickadoll's Secret Weapon. But at WMC-Miami 2009's Sunday School for Degenerates, the secret came out and a Sensation was born. Amongst a Line-up of Superstar DJ's, she played one of the Consensus Best DJ sets in all of Miami! Since that fateful and sensational night where DJs like Lee Burridge, etc gave her a standing ovation, she has toured all over the world, leaving a trail of mouths agape, feet tired, ears ringing and minds blown away.
And it doesn't end there, as we have 14 LA heavyweights in 2 rooms supporting that night with DJs ranging from Compression, Terraroma, Pioneer, Core, Afro 99, Colombia Sound Militia, Stompin Grounds, Made in Brazil, Latintronik and more.
If you missed WMC in 2009, then you have to come out and see what the hype is all about. If you were there at Miami, then we don't need to convince you even. All you need to know is IDA ENGBERG is coming for her 1st LA Appearance and shes turning INCOGNITO. And you know you just have to be there as this one's going to be momentous.
*JOIN the GUESTLIST NOW and get $15 til 12am, $20 by RSVP-ing to rsvp@incognitola.com or click te flyer below:
Area#1 ||||| deep.tech.minimal.techno
:: I D A . E N G B E R G [ Sweden ]
:: Pickadoll Music _ Get Physical
:: http://www.myspace.com/idaengberg
:: C A C H E
:: Incognito _ W.O.M.B. _ Bianca's Joint
:: http://www.myspace.com/1800cachecall
:: F R A N C O . B E N I T O
:: Incognito _ W.O.M.B.
:: http://www.facebook.com/francobenito
:: R O B T R O N I K
:: Compression _ Convention
:: http://www.myspace.com/robtronik
:: W I L L Y . E L E C T R O N A R C O S I S
:: Terrakroma
:: http://www.myspace.com/electronarcosismusic
:: M A N O . K U E R T E N
:: Trebol Records _ Made In Brazil
:: http://www.myspace.com/germanokuerten
:: J U A N . P A B L O K E Y
:: LatinTronik _ WC Music
:: http://www.soundcloud.com/pablokey
live visual manipulation by // V J . K R I S . B E R T R A N D
Area#2 ||||| electro.indie.fidget
:: A T O M I C . M I K E
:: Incognito
:: http://www.myspace.com/djatomicmike
:: A V E N U E . 6 6
:: Stompin' Grounds
:: http://www.myspace.com/tommiilim
:: F U M I . T H E . D J
:: http://www.myspace.com/fumithedj
:: D J . H I D E . vs . T J . O K A
:: Afro99 _ Pioneer _ Pure.FM
:: http://www.afro99.com
:: C A S S E T T E . + . C O U N T . R O C K U L A
:: http://www.myspace.com/thisiscassette
:: S T E V E N . S A B O C O R
:: http://www.facebook.com/stevensabocor
// D E T A I L S ////////
* 21+ with ID | 10:00PM-LATE
* Cash Bar & Entrance
// F O R . L O C A T I O N ////////
* Call 323.527.5105 at Day of Event
* Secure parking lot
// T I C K E T S ////////
* $10 Advanced Tickets at Groove Tickets (http://fla.vor.us/incognito)
* $15 before MIDNIGHT, $20 after with RSVP
// P R E M I U M . L O U D S P E A K E R S ////////
* Turbosound Touring Speakers
// G U E S T . L I S T ////////
* http://www.incognitola.com/rsvp
* rsvp@incognitola.com
* Facebook, Going.com events
// V I D E O S ////////
// F O L L O W . U S ////////
* http://www.incognitola.com
* http://twitter.com/incognitola
* http://incognito.fanbridge.com
* http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid-7975670820
// F O R . E V E R Y B O D Y ' S . E N J O Y M E N T ////////
* Bring your closest friends
* Wear your dancing shoes & outfit
* Bring cash
* Meet new friends
* Please do not repost location, just make sure you inform ONLY friends you trust
* Do not bring anything illegal into the premises
* No glowsticks
Official Website: http://www.incognitola.com/rsvp
Added by alan2 on December 6, 2009