Oracle Rd.
Tucson, Arizona 85704

A casual guided hike on one of Catalina State Park's easier trails, with frequent stops for discussion and rest. Duration: 1 2 hours. On these hikes you'll enjoy the scenery while discovering the rich natural and cultural history of this area, including: Geology of the park Early inhabitants of the park Local plants and their uses The critters that live in the park, what they eat, where they live, and their special adaptability for life in the desert Other trails in the park; what you will see on the various trails; what to take with you. Where: Meet your guides in the Trail Head parking lot. We'll depart from there on one of the trails. What to Bring: Hiking boots or sturdy shoes, sun block, hat and other clothing appropriate for the season, drinking water, and camera. Leashed dogs allowed if fully under control & don't bother other hikers. Contact the Park: (520) 628-5798.

Added by Upcoming Robot on November 28, 2010