12950 N. 7th St.
Phoenix, Arizona 85020

First Publicly Held Satanic Wedding in 2,000 Years

The American Church of Satan is proud to announce the joining together of Lady Vendetta and Lord Sinister in Infernal Wedlock on October 17th, 2009 at North Mountain Park.

“This will be the first Satanic Wedding Ceremony open to the public in about 2,000 years, to the best of Our knowledge” a spokesperson for The American Church of Satan states. The prospective Bride and Groom are both active members of The American Church of Satan.

The Ceremony will be performed by High Priest Gregory I of The American Church of Satan, based in San Antonio, Texas. The marriage will be legally recognized by the State of Arizona. Arrival time is 5 PM and the Wedding Ceremony will begin at 6 PM. Refreshments will be provided and interviews will be given following the Ceremony.

The wedding will be open to the public for observation, and media are cordially invited. Seating in the main Ceremony area will be limited and restricted to reservations only. RSVP through the web site located at www.americanchurchofsatan.com. Due to park restrictions, firearms, glass containers, and liquor are prohibited. Due to the nature of the ceremony, animals and small children will be prohibited also.

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If you’d like more information about the Satanic Wedding Ceremony, visit Our web site at www.americanchurchofsatan.com. To schedule an interview with a Church representative or to obtain a Press Pass, e-mail press@americanchurchofsatan.com.

Official Website: http://www.americanchurchofsatan.com

Added by Sabbath on September 30, 2009



May the Lord Jesus Christ save your souls. GOD BLESS!!


That would probably help them if Jesus Christ existed.

Romans 8:31

Lord ,in the authority you have given your people, I claim the blood of Jesus over the couple in this ceremony, every person involved with this event . Lord I ask you to remove the blinders from there eyes,that they would know the Truth and the Truth would set them free. I thank you that legions of angels from the Most High God are being released to bring forth the prayers that i and others will be praying, By faith Lord I want to thank you not a soul that is participating that day ,the day of the ceremony,will pass into eternity without knowing you first as their Lord and savior. Thank you for your love and mercy..In the name of Jesus i pray AMEN. :).


I'm agnostic so I don't have a dog in this race but still I'm confused...they worship the devil, yet are obeying the park restrictions. Whatsup with that??