BrainStorming & Masterminds - Sassy Style.
This new Networking Event is open to all men and women business owners who want to join other business owners once a month for connecting, brainstorming, masterminding and speed networking. We will meet monthly at Hobee's Pruneyard on the 1st Monday of the month from 6 to 8pm.
The agenda will be similar to the Biznik meetings use to hold at Hobee's Campbell. You show up, get checked in, help yourself to the dinner that is catered by Hobee's and grab a seat.
The banquet room will be set up in a large horseshoe. Please bring lots of business cards, brochures and a great attitude.
We will have a short presentation at the beginning of each meeting about a relevant business topic. Personally, I am always looking for professional development opportunities and love to invite engaging speakers who can help us with some element of our business. If you have a topic you would like covered or know a great speaker, please email me at blissconnection at
Then we will have a drawing at the beginning of the meeting and we will draw out 3 lucky business owners cards and we will spend 10 minutes brainstorming for your business.
Once we finish with that, we will do one round of speed networking in 3 groups of 10-15 business owners.
The Speed Networking is your chance to have 1 minute in front of your group and give your "cocktail pitch" and ask for what you need for your business. Everyone in your group will be ACTIVELY LISTENING to see how they might be able to help you with your business.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on April 17, 2012