Sassy Nov. 15th
Are you a Bay Area business owner? Come join us for very energetic, spiriting business speed networking. We meet monthly and we also love to stay connected to one another in between meetings using Social Networking. We host a monthly Speed Networking event and in November, we are meeting on the 3rd Thursday - Nov. 15th. Open to men and women business owners.
Co-Ed Business Networking : Sassy Networking for men and women business owners on Nov. 15th. Connect with us now on
Tel: 408-712-3809
When: Nov. 15th.
Informal Networking starts at 10:30.
Speaker starts at 11:15 a.m.
Speed Networking at the end.
We end formally by 1:15.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on November 5, 2012