Called a "Sex and the City on steroids" by The Victoria Times, this show features Barron's signature high-energy style of straightforward storytelling with a distinctly urban edge that, while it tackles experiences and individuals that run the theatrical gamut in terms of theme and character, all center upon varying facets of a city-living experience. Following its spring '05 debut at the PIT, People Are Unappealing was selected for the 2005 UNO Festival for Solo Performance and headed to Victoria, British Columbia for its international debut where it garnered praise from numerous reviewers and publications. Adrian Chamberlin of The Victoria Times deemed Sara "an engaging performer who proves once and for all why women are smarter and funnier than men." Kate Cino of Boulevard: The Magazine for Urban Living wrote: "What Barron finds are hilarious vignettes filled with heartfelt detail," and Janet Munsil, executive producer of the Intrepid Theatre, wrote: "Barron knocked us out with her too-real tales ? do not dare miss it."
Added by thepit-nyc on February 22, 2006
proud mama
great show, you are the best