611 SW Tenth at Alder
Portland, Oregon 97205

Can a CIO thrive in the current economic climate by simply maintaining existing information and occasionally providing new sources of Information? Come hear three perspectives of the new CIO, the Chief Innovation Officer.

Learn about innovations that break traditional information system strongholds, that show innovation in the application development lifestyle, and innovative collaboration tools.

Stefan Blumer, Director of Application Engineering, Sabrix
Diana Larsen, Agile Alliance Board Chair & Author
Kirsten Baird, Serena Software

REGISTER: https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=3/18/09

#SAOpdx #CIO

Official Website: https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=3/18/09

Added by sao on February 18, 2009