All are welcome at this social gathering for antisocial computer users. Join us as we discover the outside world and overcompensate with alcohol.
We'll be on the patio at Rick's again. You can park for free on Neilson Way.
Added by robotskirts on August 25, 2008
Why are we going to Rick's Tavern again so soon? We were just there, rememeber?
tommee: Because Ricks patio offers space, and if we end up with 20 people again, space would be nice
Everyone pitch in on the damn tab this time too! last week was ridiculous.
Alright, I don't think I know anyone going this time, but I do know someone who said they might go sometime and they've been once. I think I have a chance. I'm going to show up if my schedule allows. So buy this new guy a beer or something, then later on we can root some debian servers that still have keys generated during that time when they shouldn't have been generated. That was awesome.
If some human could like, email rsolson AT gmail [uberhacker] com with something funny or informative, that would be great. A few million dollars (USD) would also be appreciated.