200 Santa Monica Pier
Los Angeles, California 90401

Featuring a live theatrical performance by Vox Lumiere
VOX Lumiere reinvents silent films with exciting new music and dance, creating a completely new entertainment experience. The classic film Metropolis, and it's political and modernist themes, explode off the screen and into the rock arena.

Doors open at 7:00 p.m. and the movies start at sunset (approximately 8:00PM).
Come early to get a good spot!

Admission is free but tickets are required. Tickets are available on the Wednesday prior to each weeks' screening starting August 30. Tickets must be picked up in advance at any of the following locations:

Santa Monica Visitor's Center
1920 Main Street

Santa Monica Convention and Visitor's Kiosk
1400 Ocean Ave.

Santa Monica Convention and Visitor's Promenade Cart
Located next to topiary dinosaurs between Santa Monica and Arizona

302 Pico Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Sun - Thur: 10am - 11pm
Fri - Sat: 10am - 12am

Added by TwistedMartini on August 29, 2007