1.5 CPE Credit
7:30 - 8:00 a.m. Registration & Networking
8:00 - 9:30 a.m. Program
9:30 - 10:00 a.m. Networking
An employee's financial well-being can impact a company's bottom line. According to the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank, employees spend an average of 20 hours per month during work hours stressed about their personal financial problems, and over 15% have financial problems severe enough to negatively affect productivity.
Teach your employees how to achieve financial success by striking a balance between living responsibly today and planning wisely for tomorrow. You'll positively impact your corporate culture and bottom line. Leave able to:
*Implement a cutting-edge, company-wide employee program
*Increase awareness and change behaviors through comprehensive financial planning
*Identify the value and importance of financial programs
Speaker: Tina Stamness, CMFC & Delbar Jahanian, CMFC, Financial Advisors of Waddell & Reed, Inc. Both have their series 7 general securities license, 66 license, and California life and health insurance license. They both have their CMFC, Chartered mutual fund counselor designations. Tina has a BA in Business Economics, MA in psychology and has been in the field for 7 years. Delbar has her BA in Business and 4 years in the field.
General: $55 / NCHRA Members: $35.
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on October 4, 2009