2559 Puesta Del Sol
Santa Barbara, California 93105

Santa Barbara Macintosh Users Group (SBmug) October monthly meeting, Thursday October 15 at 6:00 PM, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History's Farrand Hall, 2559 Puesta del Sol, Santa Barbara.

We'll have a Q&A session at 6 PM, when you are welcome to ask our member experts questions regarding your Macintosh, iPod or iPhone.  

The main presentation begins shortly at 7 PM:
This month, we’ll have a presentation by our own club members about websites Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace, three popular manifestations of Web 2.0. Come and learn about tweeting, tagging, writing on the wall and accumulating more “friends” than you’ll know what to do with.

As always, we'll have wireless internet access, delicious refreshments, and good company!  The public is welcome (bring your PC and Linux friends, too!), but only members may enter the drawing for prizes! Refreshments will be served.

For additional SBmug information, please visit:  http://sbmug.org/ or call 898-2096.

Official Website: http://sbmug.org/

Added by pmarr59 on October 4, 2009