Welcome to the 25th Annual Sandy Springs Festival!
Every fall for the past 25 years, the people of Sandy Springs have gathered together to celebrate what it means to be a community. The first "Founders Day" celebration on November 2, 1986 was organized to honor the successful "Save Our Springs" movement. Attended by over 600 residents, the event included a barbecue lunch, bake sale, arts and crafts show, and tour of the original springs. Everyone present at the Founders Day who lived in Sandy Springs before 1955 were recognized and honored.
Fast forward 25 years: the Founders Day has grown into the Sandy Springs Festival, a two-day event, drawing over 20,000 people to the heart of our now incorporated City of Sandy Springs. A celebration of community, heritage, and tradition, the Festival serves as a testament to the volunteers who joined together to champion causes and improve the quality of life decades before Sandy Springs became a City. We celebrate their grassroots efforts as we invite over 600 artists, crafters, entertainers, and vendors to Heritage Green for the 25th annual Sandy Springs Festival.
I look forward to seeing you on Saturday, September 25 and Sunday, September 26 for this "Silver Celebration!"
For more information contact: info@affps.com or/ visit our web site:
Added by Randall Fox on April 23, 2011