With the end of summer quickly approaching, we are having a tweet-up this Saturday to soak up some rays at the Sandy river while we still can.
I'm catching the 77 @ approx. 11 AM on 21st Ave, which runs through NW and NE Portland and will arrive in Troutdale shortly after noon. Check out the Saturday 77 map/schedule here: http://trimet.org/schedules/s/t1077_0.htm
If you get off at the last stop on Dora Street, it's only a little over a half mile walk over to Glenn Otto Community Park http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=2nd+and+dora+street,+troutdale,+oregon&daddr=glenn+otto+community+park&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=45.537182,-122.381644&sspn=0.007259,0.01929&ie=UTF8&ll=45.536415,-122.381301&spn=0.00726,0.01929&z=16you will be bringing snacks :) I plan on bringing some beverages and snacks.
*FYI, alcohol and glass bottles are not allowed and I was checked for them last time I was there.*
Tubes and other floatables are highly encouraged! If we can get 2 people to drive up, we can do tubing down the river...
See you Saturday and if you have any questions, feel free to hit me up on twitter @writeinmovement
Added by writeinmovement on August 12, 2009
I just spoke with Kimberly and the river trip has been postponed because today is pretty cold and the MacForce thing sounds cool :)
i'm pretty sure i will be cycling to the river. nice day for it.