501 Avis Drive
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108

Please join Top Decision Makers and Business Owners for an Executive Luncheon.
Are you frustrated with:
• More "wishing and hoping" than prospecting and closing?
• Presentations that only gain promises to "think-it-over"?
• Cutting prices being your sales team's main closing tactic?
• Your team having more skill in creating excuses than in closing sales?
• Your team spending more time chasing leads that go nowhere than on the ones that close?
• Attend this 2-hour high level in depth look at the sales process and find out how most of your prospects are buying, how most of you are selling, and why there are so many problems.
• And, learn a system of selling which removes all the pressure and actually makes selling fun again!
**Registration Required**
Date: Thursday, December 10, 2009
Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Cost: Complimentary
Location: Sandler Training Center
501 Avis Drive, Ann Arbor 48108
Phone Number: 734-821-4830
**Registration Required**

Official Website: http://sandlerannarbor.com

Added by mikewynn on October 19, 2009

Interested 1