Introducing The Sandia Women's Group:
The Sandia Women's Group (SWG) meets the first Thursday of the Month @ The Cafe Next Door from 6:30 to 8pm. Join them this Thursday October 2, 2003.
The SWG is a public dinner/discussion group where women can meet to ask questions and discuss sexuality, "alternative" sexuality, polyamory, D/s, BDSM, "kink", etc. with like-minded women in a safe environment - or simply spend some quality time and have good conversation in Women's Space.
SWG is open to all bio-women, those living 24/7 as women, and women-in-gender-transition. With a salad fork and a sharp wit, we create a space where women can come together, talk, and create community. Our goal is to help all women give voice to their feelings and find their answers.
There is no charge to attend, however we ask that you help support your community by making a purchase at the Cafe during the dinner.
Added by Kellie on October 1, 2003