344 Tully RD.
San Jose, California 95111

Featuring 200+ toy, comic book and collectible vendors selling new and vintage items...huge variety of Hot Wheels, GI Joes, LEGO, Godzilla, dolls, Transformers, Star Wars, Disney, model kits, robots, trading cards, records: rock n roll, jazz, surf, pop, hip hop, blues... Marvel, DC and small press comic books, posters, little bit of jewelry and original art...
And much much more!

Check our website for special guest actors and artists as they are added.

$5. general admission 11am-4pm
$2.50 kids under 12
$15. early bird shoppers 9am-10:59am


Official Website: http://www.timetunnelnews.blogspot.com/

Added by toyqueen on September 23, 2009