55 Cyril Magnin Street
San Francisco, California

For further information:
Evan Margolin
Email: info@summersalsafest.com

A Hot San Francisco Summer Kicks of with a Summer Salsa Dance Celebration

San Francisco. The weather in San Francisco may not always be hot during the summertime, but thanks to thousands of salsa dance aficionados the city will be cooking with the sounds of salsa music and Latin jazz as the second annual Summer Salsa Dance Festival opens on Monday, July 12, and ends at the Parc 55 Hotels with 3 days of instruction, bands and dance.

This week long festival brought thousands upon thousands of dancers out to free salsa dancing in historic Union Square last year, this year, we'll be doing things a little different says Margolin, President of SalsaCrazy, Inc.

Sponsored by SalsaCrazy.com, an international media and entertainment company committed to increasing public awareness of salsa music and dance, the Summer Salsa Dance Festival centers on the dancers, the music and the positive, festive and friendly atmosphere of salsa as a celebration of life, Margolin noted.

The festival will promote salsa dance as a whole as well as the nightlife and music that accompanies it. We'll be featuring the people and venues that make salsa dance and music such a vibrant part of living in the Bay Area, as well as a three day event at the Parc 55 Hotel in Union Square with workshops by over 40 dance instructors, from all over the world.

The celebration is designed to get people ready for a summer of vibrant and exciting salsa dance events by taking the classes, hearing the music, feeling the passion and experiencing something entirely new. We are using this kick-off to invite people to join the thriving Bay Area salsa community in a fantastic night of the best salsa dancing in town.

For Info on the Summer Salsa Dance Festival, log on to
http://www.SummerSalsaFest.com, 877-507-3403

Official Website: http://www.SummerSalsaFest.com

Added by FullCalendar on July 3, 2010